Part 64: The Annotated Version Of Meeting The Girl Proper.
The Annotated Version Of Meeting The Girl Proper.Note: I once woke up in an unfamiliar room, to an unfamiliar but lovely face.

Note: I had entered into a new world.

Note: My existence was thin. A transistor with two rectifying junctions...
The currents of the universe flowing through my terminals.
Input. Output. She was weary, but she smiled at me.

Note: I had heard the echoes of this place.

Note: "Because we wanted to." Isn't that a reason?
Why did you want to? Ask a psychologist, they will tell you. Just remember that the
science of the mind is as open as the soul to perception.
Note: No, there's a difference.
I know. But you can't ever hope to distinguish between the two on this plane.

Note: Yes.

Note: I can't remember. It's a limitation of my mind. But maybe it is has seeped into my soul.
I'll regain it later.

Note: Confusion is native to chaos. And order is born of understanding.

Note: Understanding is difficult. And for some it becomes impossible.

Note: Some try.

Note: But too many such attempts seem wasteful and futile.

Note: Exposure to differences aides in understanding.

Note: Some find such exposure to be distasteful. They choose the comfort of ignorance to raise
their perceptions of superiority.

Besides, it can't hurt, can it?

Note: Some think it is more important to worry about truth than superiority.
They would sell a nation to find truth.

the end